Mood Music: Sleaford Mods

Ain’t no finer band for the times than Sleaford Mods.

Rough Trade is putting out a tight little collection of singles and B-sides next week, and it really belongs in your library. Seriously, what else do you want to listen to while the powers that be scheme to fuck you over?

“Anyone who can write with insight and authority about Alas No Axis, Sonic Youth, Elvis Costello…Missy Mazzoli and William Britelle, and…Mahler…is okay in my book.”

Darcy James Argue

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I'm a writer and editor here (musician otherwise), with bylines in The Wire, Down Beat, New York Classical Review, VAN, Music & Literature, Grove Dictionary of American Music, Signal to Noise, and many others. I'm also the Music Editor at the Brooklyn Rail. Contact me for any of your word needs.